Saturday, September 02, 2006

the keeper

tacking point lighthouse at midnight
15 second exposure with small handheld torch
providing the illumination for the hand

Friday, September 01, 2006

about the photos

All of the photos on this site are pretty much as they were taken, I prefer not to spend too much time altering them, apart from maybe a little cropping and some slight adjustments if necessary.

As for the sorts of photos you might see here - well they're likely to be all sorts! I don't tend to specialise as such but I do like to focus on different perspectives if you'll excuse the pun. I feel equally at home photographing nature, people, events and love creating interesting looks "live", rather than "photoshopping".

A background in lighting design probably helps and I only use available light and preferably natural light......

Thursday, August 31, 2006

the beginning

Whilst I am by no means a techno-phobe, it has taken a while to come to post some of the material I have created, received or discovered and share it with a wider audience.

I am a photographer but that does not define who I am, merely how I see at that moment in time.
Within my local and extended community I am involved with cultural events of all types. I am interested in the human condition, in all aspects of life, in the way each of us attempt to define our place on this planet. Sometimes as individuals and sometimes as a community or nation.

There is beauty everywhere we look, but only if we are willing to see, and nature has been my inspiration all my life.

I trust you enjoy the experience.

In La'kech